Course overview

This course helps high school counselors effectively utilize Course Planner in Xello by equipping them with the knowledge they need to understand their high school courses and diploma requirements; support students in using Course Planner to submit informed course plans; and ensure that student plans are suitable for course scheduling and/or to satisfy completion standards. 

Course objectives

  • Understand how Course Planner is set up to help high schools meet their diploma requirements and timeline

  • Gain skills to support students in using Course Planner to submit informed course plans

  • Learn to track student progress and run reports on Course Planner to verify that course plans are error-free and students are on track to graduate

  • Be able to ensure that plans are appropriate for course scheduling and/or completion standards

Course curriculum

    1. Course introduction and goals

    2. How this course works

    3. Course check-in

    1. Module 2 introduction

    2. Dig in: How students plan their courses in Xello

    3. Dig in: The student Course Planner experience

    4. How to: Build a course plan in Xello

    5. How to: Try Course Planner as a student

    6. Check in: Module 2 learning

    7. Module 2 wrap up

    1. Module 3 introduction

    2. Dig in: Courses & Diplomas

    3. Dig in: Learn more about your settings

    4. How to: View your students' course plans

    5. How to: Bulk add or remove courses

    6. How to: View diploma requirements

    7. Check in: Module 3 learning

    8. Module 3 wrap up

    1. Module 4 introduction

    2. How to: Assign, recommend, or exempt a course

    3. Dig in: Understanding critical alerts

    4. How to: Optimize a student course plan

    5. Check in: Module 4 learning

    6. Module 4 wrap up

    1. Module 5 introduction

    2. Dig in: Course Planner reports

    3. How to: Run a student course planner summary report

    4. How to: Use reports to track student progress

    5. How to: Request parent/guardian approval

    6. How to: Approve student plans

    7. Check in: Module 5 learning

    8. Course wrap up and additional resources

    9. Tell us about your experience